17 12, 2019

Consortium meeting in Copenhagen: second gathering hosted by partner KEA

2019-12-17T15:33:07+00:00December 17th, 2019|Project News|

Datemats consortium came together in Denmark for the second project meeting, hosted by partner KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology. The encounter was scheduled on two days, October 9-10 2019 in Copenhagen. Splitting the meeting in two days offered the possibility to structure the gathering in a way to offer a general overview on the project and to go in depth on some specific issues, too. The

21 05, 2019

How does industry gain knowledge about emerging materials and technologies: make your voice count and participate to the survey

2019-06-13T07:46:05+00:00May 21st, 2019|Project News|

A short questionnaire has been set up by Datemats partners, addressed to manufacturers of any industry – being producers of materials, creators of innovative technologies or end-users – aimed to understand the main interests, gaps and needs of companies in terms of technology knowledge transfer related to emerging and innovative materials and technologies. This international survey provides fundamental information to outline the gap between Academia (research) and the

5 05, 2019

Kick-off meeting in Milan: who is who of Datemats consortium

2019-06-13T07:44:54+00:00May 5th, 2019|Project News|

On February 7th the 10 partners of Datemats consortium gathered for the first time to connect names to faces and start this collaborative adventure. The initiative involves academic staff from 4 universities with courses in design and engineering to share and transfer their expertise in four specific areas of Emerging Materials & Technologies – short EMTs – related to: Wearable Tech & Interactive Connected Smart EMTs, Advanced growing &

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