DATEMATS is a design-driven European project for sharing and transferring knowledge of emerging materials and technologies (EM&Ts). The final goal is to develop a new pedagogical approach framework laid down into specific areas.
DATEMATS project organizes an international mobility program including four international workshops. During the five day long workshops, students tackle real-life challenges given by partnering European companies. Each workshop has the main focus on the topic provided by the hosting university, but all EM&Ts are included.
Interdisciplinary EM&Ts challenges schedule: June 2021 – January 2022
The interdisciplinary EM&Ts challenges are 4 workshops arranged by the partner universities in Italy (Polimi), Denmark (KEA), Spain (Tecnun) and Finland (Aalto). The design or engineering degree students studying at these universities may apply to DATEMATS interdisciplinary challenges organized either abroad, or at their home university. The interdisciplinary challenges will take place between June 2021 and January 2022.
Matter controlled at molecular level, which is smaller than a micrometres, normally on scales of 1 to 100 nanometres.
Entirely carbon-based materials, nano-scaled structures or composite blends whose properties are altered by surface and/or substrate doping thereof.
Tecnun – University of Navarra, Spain
7-11 june 2021

Interactive Connected Smart (ICS) Wear-ables. Stimuli-responsive materials and electronic micro-devices embeddable into clothing or worn on the body as im- plants or accessories.
Polimi – Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
12-16 july 2021

Materials from a controlled cultivation of organisms that are directly grown and/or manufactured into their subsequent form, function and performance by tapping into the organism’s natural growth behaviour (bio-fabrication).
Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Denmark
31 ago – 3 sep 2021

Materials that are processed either chemically or mechanically from trees or other plants for innovative applications.
The materials include cellulose fibers, fibrils (micro- or nano-structured) and derivatives, lignin, bark extractives and novel combinations of these.
Aalto University, CHEMARTS Finland
24 – 28 january 2022